We understand that Year 12 and Year 13 can bring new challenges and pressures for students. Mrs Young part of the JCSC Pastoral Team. She is our dedicated Sixth Form Pastoral Support Officer and Deputy Safeguarding Lead. She is on hand to discuss any issues and offer tailored support when needed. For support with mental health, students can access the online platform Kooth and Mrs Young can make referrals to the School Health and Paediatric Mental Health Team.

Students also have daily contact with their tutor, who gets to know them well. Our Head of Sixth Form Mr Moore is passionate about helping students to reach their full potential. He has successfully guided students through the application process for top universities and into apprenticeships or employment for many years. You will be able to arrange 1-1 meetings with Mr Moore to discuss challenges or plans, as needed. Our school value ‘be kind’ means we also encourage students to look out for their peers, and our form representatives provide an additional avenue for students to raise any queries or issues.


We are determined that every student at JCSC accesses personalised career education and guidance to inspire aspirational and appropriate destinations for when students leave us. The aim of Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) curriculum is to ensure our students are well informed about the world of work, whilst developing employability skills that will allow learners to take ownership of their own career development. 

Every Year 12 student completes work experience in the summer term through the Future Work programme. There are also two group university trips in Year 12 – one organised through our links with a local university and one visit to a higher education establishment further afield. Mentoring from form tutors gives students clear updates about their grades and attendance, there is also weekly tutor time allocated to helping students to plan their next steps and navigate those crucial application processes. 

Whether students plan to seek full time employment, an apprenticeship, or a pathway into college and university, we ensure they are able to make an informed and supported decision on their future. 

Our Northumberland County Council career advisor visits the school each week. Years 11-13 have access to our dedicated Google Careers Classroom where we share events, news and opportunities. The monthly JCSC Careers Bulletin found on our Careers Guidance at JCSC page also provides updates on the labour market, opportunities and careers news for students and parents and carers. 


We don’t want financial circumstances to be a barrier for any student considering applying to JCSC Sixth Form. There are two kinds of bursaries for students aged 16 to 19 that we would encourage your to explore if finances may be an issue for you. The school also has a small Hardship Fund for students who do not meet the above criteria but who experience particular financial difficulties during their period of study. This may provide one-off funds in exceptional circumstances. Please speak to Mr Moore, Head of Sixth Form to find out more.

JCSC Pastoral Team

JCSC Careers Guidance

Bursaries for students 16 – 19

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