Our distinctive guiding principles of Be Kind, Work Hard and Aim High embody our concern for the wellbeing of each individual pupil. These principles are lived out by the school community in its day-to-day running and are at the centre of the school “We are JCSC” . The pastoral system underpins every aspect of our school community and supports our aim to bring out the very best in our pupils, so that outstanding pastoral care for every pupil is at the heart of James Calvert Spence College. We integrate health and wellbeing into our curriculum and support mental health with programmes such as the Friends Resilience Programme and promote tools such as online wellbeing hub, Kooth.

Our students are supported in their wider development through involvement with schemes such as the National Citizen Service and Newcastle United Foundation’s Game Changer programme. A key aim of JCSC’s pastoral care is ensuring that all our pupils learn to live as productive members of a community fully aware of their responsibilities for themselves and others. We take great pride in nurturing our pupils and involve the whole community (students, parents and staff) and the wider community in the life of the school. As a school, we provide opportunities for students, parents and staff to be involved in making decisions, being heard and contributing to the community.


Wendy Hills
Years 5-8
Tracy Baxter
Year 9 & 10
Amy Dryden
Year 9 & 10

Pastoral Support Officers (PSOs) work with specific year groups. They get to know the children and the common issues related to different age groups and points in the school journey well. Our pastoral team members also hold specialist qualifications that allow them to take an informed approach when assisting students. Each PSO has been trained in Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma Informed Practice through training recognised by the Home Office, Public Health England and the police. Several members of staff also hold the NCFE Understanding Children and Young People’s Mental Health qualification. 

Through consistent pastoral support, we aim to:

  • Enable each pupil to fulfil their own potential both academically and socially
  • Ensure that each pupil has access to personal, vocational and academic guidance and support
  • Provide opportunities for and encourage pupils to exercise social responsibility
  • Promote in pupils the self-awareness and self-confidence that they need to face the tough challenges, both academic and personal Provide opportunities for moral, social and cultural development Establish and maintain an appropriate relationship with every parent/carer, so that together we can prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life
  • Work proactively to support personal and academic issues from arising
  • Create a caring and loyal environment where pupils are valued for who they are, not just for what they can do


We recognise that the foundation of any behaviour for learning policy is effective relationships with the whole school community. On the rare occasion that relationships breakdown, we strive to restore them.

Education research demonstrates that a calm, focused and positive learning environment leads to the best rates of progress. Our school rewards system aims to continually recognise and reward students who make positive choices with regards to their own behaviour, effort, and achievement as part of the school’s Achievement Lighthouse. The JCSC Behaviour Ladder makes the consequences of poor behaviour choices clear to staff, parents, carers, and students, setting the highest expectations for all to maximise every student’s potential. From their very first day, children learn to show respect for others and the school environment and to take pride in their attitude to learning.

James Calvert Spence college
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