Would you like to be involved in our careers curriculum?
If you would like to arrange a visit or would be interested in having a presence at our school Careers Fair, offering work experience placements to our students or would like to discuss opportunities to enhance our curriculum, please contact our Careers Lead and Head of Sixth Form James Moore – jmoore01@jcsc.co.uk .
We are in the process of updating the presentation of our careers guidance information. If you would like to provide any feedback about this or have any questions about our curriculum, please contact James Moore – jmoore01@jcsc.co.uk
At James Calvert Spence College we are determined to ensure every child has personalised career education and guidance to inspire aspirational and appropriate destinations for when students leave us at the end of Key Stage 4 and 5. The aim of Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) curriculum is to ensure our students are well informed about the world of work, whilst developing employability skills that will allow learners to take ownership of their own career development.
At JCSC, CEIAG takes place throughout the curriculum, within tutor time, during assemblies, alongside school trips and benefits from external speakers. Whether your child is seeking full time employment, an apprenticeship, or a pathway into college and university, we will ensure your child is able to make an informed and supported decision on their future. As a school we are currently working with Teach First, North East LEP and Northumberland CEIAG Network to further develop the CEIAG curriculum to maximise the opportunities we can share with our students.
Students in years 11-13 have access to careers information in the dedicated Careers Google Classroom where opportunities, events and information are shared.
23/24 Whole School Careers Plan
When it comes to defining moments during a child’s school experience it is vital they have the opportunity to discuss their options and opportunities thoroughly with a qualified member of staff who can offer the best guidance. When students are selecting GCSE options at the end of Year 9 every student will meet with Mr Gaines, whilst every Year 11 and 13 student will have a 1-1 interview with Mr Moore.
Additionally, all learners in years 11, and 13 have a minimum of one compulsory 1 hour session with the schools careers adviser from Northumberland County Council Ian Yarrow. Following each meeting students will receive an action plan for their next steps and a summary of the key points from their meeting. Further drop in sessions with Mr Moore and Ian Yarrow are also available. Parents/carers can request after-school appointments by contacting the schools main office, and career guidance is also available during parents evenings.
Students who require further support in making an informed decision on their future are provided with a tailored experience to make their next step,s either with external providers or ourselves, as smooth as possible. Students will be provided with additional 1-1 careers guidance meetings if required, and arrangements to visit external providers can be made. Students with an Education Health Care Plan will also be supported by Northumberland County Council and the school’s SENCO throughout their annual reviews.
A key measure of the success of our CEIAG curriculum is through the destination data we collect at Year 11, 12 and 13. This highlights the exciting opportunities students have embraced after leaving JCSC. CEIAG has also been a key focus within teaching staff continued professional development as we seek to embed careers links throughout our whole school curriculum. Furthermore, we gather student voice through tutor time and parent voice during parents evenings to gather a feel of whether students feel well supported, informed and guided on their future.
As a school, we are striving towards fully achieving the GATSBY Benchmarks of good career guidance. JCSC was involved in the pilot of the GATSBY benchmarks within the North East and we are proud to say we seek to embed these benchmarks into every aspect of our CEIAG delivery. Through the help of Teach First and North East LEP we constantly reflect on our practice and review how we can fully achieve every benchmark each term. In addition, each Director reports back to the careers lead through their SEF summary sheets on how careers is being applied within their directorate. The benchmarks include:
- A stable career programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
CEIAG is a continual process that we constantly seek to review and improve. Each term the current provision is reviewed and adapted to ensure it is current, fit for purpose and appropriate for the needs of the current cohort of students. The date of the next review is 2nd December 2024.
The careers platform Globalbridge allows students to showcase their interests and talents to explore careers opportunities and make future career connections. Our Sixth Form students have been working with this platform since September 2022.
Find apprenticeships online
The GOV.UK Find an apprenticeship page is great way of finding Apprenticeships of all levels in your local area or chosen field.
If you are an external education provider and you would like to speak to our students please see potential upcoming events or send an email to jmoore01@jcsc.co.uk
You can also read our provider access policy.
Upcoming activities and events can be found in School Careers Plan and Events
If you are an external provider, business or employer we are always seeking to widen our network and increase the opportunities we can offer our students. Additionally if you are interested in acquiring further information about our careers provision, we would love to hear from you.
Careers Lead and Head of Sixth Form – James Moore
Contact email – jmoore01@jcsc.co.uk
Contact number – 01665 710636
Students and parents alike tells us they find the following careers labour market information widget useful. The careerometer widget allows you to explore and compare different career options.

Contact us
If you are an external provider, business or employer we are always seeking to widen our network and increase the opportunities we can offer our students. Additionally if you are interested in acquiring further information about our careers provision, we would love to hear from you.
Careers Lead and Head of Sixth Form – James Moore
Contact email – jmoore01@jcsc.co.uk
Contact number – 01665 710636