The purpose of the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund is to help students meet the costs of continuing in full-time education such as for transport, books, equipment, trips and other course-related costs; it may also be used towards the costs of attending university interviews and open days. There are two types of bursary available to 16-19 year olds who meet the criteria below:
Students who are:
- in care,
- care leavers,
- receiving Income Support or the equivalent Universal Credit because they are
financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone
who is dependent on them and living with them such as a child or partner, or - receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their
own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their
own right - and have a financial need
may apply for a Bursary for Vulnerable Groups of up to £1,200, which will be paid in half-termly instalments.
Students who are:
- entitled to Free School Meals
may apply for a Discretionary Bursary, which is made up of a mixture of cash payments and benefits in kind including providing credit on our cashless catering system for lunches.
Cash payments will be made in arrears every half term by BACS at a rate of £15 a week for a maximum of 33 school weeks for students studying Level 2 courses and 39 school weeks for students studying Level 3 courses.
Receipt of bursary funding does not affect other means-tested benefits paid to families such as Income Support, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Child Benefit, Working Tax Credit and Housing Benefit.
To be eligible to receive payments, a student must:
• Attend all timetabled lessons. In the case of absence a valid note explaining the absence
must be received from home;
• Attend all timetabled lessons. In the case of absence, a valid note explaining the absence must be received from home; • Be up to date with classwork, coursework and homework;
• Demonstrate excellent effort and attitude to learning; and
• Participate fully in Tutor Curriculum Time activities, attending all agreed sessions with tutor.
Deductions will be made and future payments may be stopped for failing to meet these terms.
The school also has a small Hardship Fund for students who do not meet the above criteria but who experience particular financial difficulties during their period of study. This may provide one-off funds in exceptional circumstances so please speak to Mr Moore, Head of Sixth Form to discuss any issues you need help with.
Application forms should submitted to Mr Moore, Head of Sixth Form, at the beginning of each school year but will also be considered at any other time if a student’s circumstances change.