Students ‘thriving’ in Robot Man build

Year 5 students taking part in our ‘Thrive’ sessions are working together to build a Robot Man from K’Nex. The three students, William, Leo and Jesse, pictured here, are developing their team building and friendship skills, by working together to design and construct their robot man.

Mrs McNaughton, High Level Teaching Assistant, who is running the ‘Thrive’ sessions said: “The students have really impressed with me with their problem solving skills and shown great team work whilst working on the design and build of their robot. Early on in the project they recognised it would be helpful if they divided up the K-Nex parts in to piles of same parts which has meant they have been very orgnaised and efficient in their work. Students who aren’t usually natural leaders within a classroom evironment have shown that they can take the lead in a smaller group. I’m really proud of their efforts and we look forward to sharing with you the completed Robot Man!”

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