Students from year 7 and 8 at James Calvert Spence College (JCSC) are buzzin’ for books as today they received a free book each to take home, as part of the Bookbuzz programme orgnaised by charity, BookTrust.
This curated programme gives students the chance to choose a book each from a collection of 16 titles, which is then bought by the school for the student to keep. Starting today and throughout this week students will attend library sessions with their form tutor and Mrs Johnson, Librarian at JCSC, who will present pupils with the books they chose.
Mrs Johnson, Librarian at JCSC explains: “Bookbuzz is a brilliant way to get children excited about reading and helps build the narrative that reading for pleasure is fun! We had great fun during the sessions and it is always interesting to see what book the children pick – the difference in favourites is vast.”
Mrs Johnson required the assistance of some enthusiastic students to help her collate and name label the 200+ books that arrived this morning. Max, Carl and Alfie were amongst the helpers – pictured below, with Mrs Johnson (left) and Mrs Bramwells (right). Mrs Johnson said “The three were very convincing as librarians/ book sellers, although we agreed £1million was a bit steep for one book! They did a great job at unpacking the boxes and sorting them in to piles for Mrs Bramwells and I to label. It was great to see them excited about books!”

A form class of year 7’s were the first to receive their books, pictured at the top of this page. Mrs Johnson said: “It’s a great feeling being able to hand over a book for free to the children! I hope they really enjoy the book they have chosen. We will keep one of each of the 16 titles to choose from in library stock, so if the pupils liked the look of more than one book, they are welcome to loan it from our library.”
Pictured below is Katie, Lacey and Evangeline with their free book. Katie chose her book as she loves a murder mystery; Lacey chose hers as she loves animals; and Evangeline chose a spooky story for her love of ghosts and the paranormal.

For more information about the Bookbuzz programme visit: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/what-we-do/programmes-and-campaigns/bookbuzz/