1. Overall subject intent
At JCSC, we recognise the importance of PE and the role it has to play in promoting long term, healthy lifestyles. Throughout the year we encourage every student to enjoy and achieve in a range of sports whilst developing core values, transferable life skills and creating performance pathways. Throughout KS2 we build confidence in a variety of both individual and team sports, providing opportunities for students to demonstrate improvement and compete in competitive situations. Students develop flexibility, strength, balance and control, alongside this they can perform dances using a range of movement patterns. We also offer swimming lessons, promoting water safety which is important to our local area. Further building into community links we offer outdoor and adventurous activities through the Coquet Shorebase Trust. This gives students an opportunity to try new activities that they may not otherwise have the opportunity to do, as well as working with our local community. This varied selection enables sustained activity along with character building and values such as fairness and respect.
Throughout KS3 students build upon their existing skills across a variety of sports and physical activities becoming more competent and confident. They look into tactics and strategies of sports and apply these in direct competition through team and individual sports. Students work to develop their technique and improve their overall performance. Through peer and self assessment they are able to analyse their performance compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best. Students are given the opportunity to perform dances using advanced techniques within a range of dance styles and forms. Students also take part in outdoor and adventurous activities to challenge them both physically and intellectually as well as build trust and teamwork skills.
The activities across the year are varied and allow the students to experience a range of different sports. The sequencing of the activities is planned heavily around the British weather, limited indoor spacing and external competitions. For example, Cross country is run across Autumn 2 as there are competitions before and after Christmas. Athletics is run Summer 1 as the competitions are in June. Rounders, cricket and tennis are run in the summer to allow for competitive games to be played outside with plenty of space.
2. Are there annual events that take place within the subject or do you do something different that makes your subject stand out?.
At JCSC we have a range of annual events including Cross Country, Sportshall Athletics and Athletics. Students will also have the opportunity to develop their knowledge of safety protocols and practical skills in cycling. Bikeability is offered to specific ages allowing students to progress to level 3.
3. Special in-school facilities (labs, library with librarian, instruments, design/tech equipment etc)
Within JCSC we are very fortunate to have a professional level indoor Climbing Wall. During the school year pupils will gain experience of using the wall and learning how to climb using the rope systems, under supervision of qualified climbing instructors.
4. Any careers and stakeholder involvement in curriculum planning and delivery e.g. visits from authors, to universities, from industry, community projects (identify the year group if applicable)
Year 11 BTEC sport group will visit working sports facilities. This allows our pupils to gain valuable experience and insight into careers in sport and fitness.
5. Extracurricular activities linked to the subject offered both at lunchtime and after school, this could also include regular residential trips/field work.
The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities throughout the year. Activities differ throughout the year depending on the activities we are covering and the competitions we are included in. Activities include- Netball, Football, Kickboxing, Dance, Tennis, Athletics, Climbing Wall and Running.
6. Highlight any apps/ or resources that students will use
Pupils will be given access to Google Classroom for BTEC studies. This allows both staff and students to see live feedback of work and provide a very much real time experience for any pupil who needs to work from home, or if staff are monitoring work remotely.
Qualification Name: Pearson BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Sport
Exam Board: Pearson
Website Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sH5Ips8g97acrAKpm4XduiBLjMT-uzUOZQelECfxrk8/edit
Exam and Coursework Information: Component 1,2,3
Contact Name: James Moore
Contact e-mail: jmoore01@jcsc.co.uk
Qualification Name: OCR Extended Certificate in Sport and Physical Activity Level 3
Exam Board:OCR
Website Link:https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/cambridge-technicals/sport-and-physical-activity/units/#level-3
Exam and Coursework Information: Unit 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 19
Contact Name: James Moore
Contact e-mail: jmoore01@jcsc.co.uk