1. Overall subject intent
In Science we aim for our students to be curious. We provide a safe, friendly learning environment which encourages students to take risks in their approaches to learning. Our aim is to develop independent, self-regulated, problem-solvers, who are enthusiastic about finding answers to the real world around them. We want students to build upon scientific understanding, practical and analytical skills, which are fundamental to success in their future career.
Building on the national curriculum, we have developed an inclusive model for all learners, structured around using teacher specialism. Science is a spiral curriculum from year 1 to year 11, which means that students build on key knowledge, concepts and science skills throughout their learning journey. We also address misconceptions picked up along the way.
As they progress through each year, the prior knowledge, keywords and skills which are relevant to the next stage of their learning are retrieved and built upon with further subject content and application. When relevant, we discuss real-world links and how science can lead to career opportunities regardless of gender.
Students have regular assessments to enable them to identify their own progression, what they do well and how to improve.
2. Are there annual events that take place within the subject or do you do something different that makes your subject stand out?.
In Year 5, we introduce the skills of scientific investigation. They need to solve a crime that has been committed in school! This requires the students to think and speak and write “like a scientist” In Year 7, we focus on the links to their local environment. This involves a visit to Hauxley nature reserve and the beach, plus other opportunities. In Y12&13, students are introduced to industry and visit local facilities, including Quotient Science in Alnwick.
3. Special in-school facilities (labs, library with librarian, instruments, design/tech equipment etc)
We have fully equipped laboratories and the chemicals and resources to fulfil our curriculum, which covers the challenge of the National Curriculum. The department is organised to ensure Year 10 -13 students have specialist teachers in biology, chemistry and physics.
4. Any careers and stakeholder involvement in curriculum planning and delivery e.g. visits from authors, to universities, from industry, community projects (identify the year group if applicable)
Visits to Newcastle University, STEM festivals and local industries.
5. Extracurricular activities linked to the subject offered both at lunchtime and after school, this could also include regular residential trips/field work.
6. Highlight any apps/ or resources that students will use
Students use EDUCAKE as a tool for homework and revision from Year 6 to Year 11.
KS4 Information
Qualification Name: Biology (8461)
Exam Board: AQA
Website Link: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/biology-8461
Exam and Coursework Information:
2 external examinations, each with a duration of 105 minutes.
Students must achieve a pass in 10 required practicals which are internally assessed
Contact Name: Dr J. Southworth & Dr N Eaton
Contact e-mail: jsouthworth01@jcsc.co.uk / neaton01@jcsc.co.uk
Qualification Name: Chemistry (8462)
Exam Board: AQA
Website Link: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/chemistry-8462
Exam and Coursework Information:
2 external examinations, each with a duration of 105 minutes.
Students must achieve a pass in 8 required practicals which are internally assessed
Contact Name: Mrs J. Bailey
Contact e-mail: jbailey01@jcsc.co.uk
Qualification Name: Physics (8463)
Exam Board: AQA
Website Link: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/physics-8463
Exam and Coursework Information:
2 external examinations, each with a duration of 105 minutes.
Students must achieve a pass in 10 required practicals which are internally assessed
Contact Name: Miss K. Pringle
Contact e-mail: kpringle01@jcsc.co.uk
Qualification Name: GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy (8464)
Exam Board: AQA
Website Link: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/combined-science-trilogy-8464
Exam and Coursework Information:
2 external examinations in Biology; 2 external examinations in Chemistry; 2 external examinations in Physics
Each examination carries 16.7% of the overall GCSE and has a 75 minute duration.
Students must achieve a pass in 21 required practicals which are internally assessed
Contact Name: Mrs J. Bailey / Dr J Southworth / Mr L Gwillim
Contact e-mail: jbailey01@jcsc.co.uk / jsouthworth01@jcsc.co.uk / lgwillim01@jcsc.co.uk
KS5 Information
Qualification Name: Biology (7402)
Exam Board: AQA
Website Link: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/as-and-a-level/biology-7401-7402
Exam and Coursework Information:
Paper 1: Biological molecules, Cells, Organisms exchange substances with their environment, Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms. (2 hours); 35% of A level
Paper 2: Energy transfers in and between organisms, Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments, Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems and The control of gene expression (2 hours); 35% of A level
Paper 3: Any content from within the specification (2 hours); 30% of A level.
Students must complete the required practical skills (CPAC).
Contact Name: Dr. N. Eaton / Dr. J. Southworth
Contact e-mail: neaton01@jcsc.co.uk / jsouthworth01@jcsc.co.uk
Qualification Name: Chemistry (7405)
Exam Board: AQA
Website Link: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/as-and-a-level/chemistry-7404-7405
Exam and Coursework Information:
Paper 1: Physical and Inorganic chemistry (2 hours); 35% of A level
Paper 2: Organic and physical chemistry (2 hours); 35% of A level
Paper 3: Any content from within the specification (2 hours); 30% of A level.
Students must complete the required practical skills (CPAC).
Contact Name: Miss K. Pringle / Mrs J. Bailey
Contact e-mail: kpringle01@jcsc.co.uk / jbailey01@jcsc.co.uk
Qualification Name: Physics (7408)
Exam Board: AQA
Website Link: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/as-and-a-level/physics-7407-7408
Exam and Coursework Information:
Paper 1: Sections 1 – 5 (Measurements and their errors; Particles and radiation; Waves; Mechanics and materials and Electricity) 6.1 (Periodic motion) (2 hours); 34% of A level
Paper 2: Sections 6.2 (Thermal Physics), 7 (Fields and their consequences) and 8 (Nuclear physics) (2 hours); 34% of A level
Paper 3: Section A: Compulsory section: Practical skills and data analysis; Section B: Optional unit (2 hours); 32% of A level
Students must complete the required practical skills (CPAC).
Contact Name: Miss K. Pringle
Contact e-mail: kpringle01@jcsc.co.uk
Qualification Name: BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Science
Exam Board: Pearson BTEC
Website Link: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-nationals/applied-science-2016.html
Exam and Coursework Information:
Unit 1: Principles and applications of science – external exam
Unit 2: Practical scientific procedures and techniques – internal coursework
Unit 3: Science investigation skills – external exam
Unit 10: Biological molecules and metabolic pathways – internal coursework
Contact Name: Mr L. Gwillim / Mr R Allen
Contact e-mail: lgwillim01@jcsc.co.uk / rallen01@jcsc.co.uk