Earlier this month, we were very pleased to welcome our next cohort of JCSC students into school for an incredibly well-attended Transition Evening. Ahead of the big night, which took place on Tuesday, June 7th, printed invitations were hand-delivered to local first schools.
Included with the invitations was a small sunflower seed for each student to plant and watch grow, a symbol of their journey with us starting.
During the night, our transition students had a chance to meet their form tutors, sample food from the school canteen, try on uniforms and explore their future school surroundings. Students were encouraged to familiarise themselves with different parts of the school and aspects of school life and each student had a stamp card to complete to help with this.
There were stamps available at transition checkpoints were students and their families could find out key information about life at JCSC. All students with completed stamp cards received a small gift and entered in a prize draw. After the event, the Dodds family were picked as the winners of the prize draw, receiving some uniform items ready for September.
The next stage in the transition journey for current Year 4 and Year 6 students will be our in-school Transition days. We’re also looking forward to seeing how well everyone’s sunflower seeds grow, so don’t forget to take plenty of photos to share with us in the coming weeks.
There next transition event will be for current Year 3 and Year 5 students, which will be held at South Avenue later in the summer term.
This event, will give these year groups the chance to visit us ahead of the Northumberland County Council School Admissions Process opening in October.
Parents and carers of current Year 3 and year 5 students who will be moving into Year 4 and Year 6 in September can book a place for the event here.