1. Throughout the course students have the chance to look at real life scenarios and case studies to discuss current issues and developments in Health and Social Care.
These are explored through research, reading and discussion which gives the students a chance to express their own opinions as well as practice essential communication skills. The coursework they produce is all based online and creates a portfolio of work that the students can then reuse as a revision tool when it comes to exams. Students are also given the opportunity to gain crucial work-based experiences through visits to a local care home as well as practical experiences throughout the anatomy and physiology unit.
2. Are there annual events that take place within the subject or do you do something different that makes your subject stand out?.
3. Special in-school facilities (labs, library with librarian, instruments, design/tech equipment etc)
4. Any careers and stakeholder involvement in curriculum planning and delivery e.g. visits from authors, to universities, from industry, community projects (identify the year group if applicable)
5. Extracurricular activities linked to the subject offered both at lunchtime and after school, this could also include regular residential trips/field work.
6. Highlight any apps/ or resources that students will use.
Qualification Name:Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care
Exam Board:Pearson
Website Link:https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-tech-awards/health-and-social-care-2022.html
Exam and Coursework Information: Unit1: Human Lifespan Development- controlled assessment (worth 36 marks), Unit 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values- controlled assessment (worth 36 marks), and Unit 3: Health and Wellbeing (synoptic worth 48 marks)- external exam.
Contact Name: Sophie Donohoe
Contact e-mail:sdonohoe01@jcsc.co.uk
Qualification Name: Cambridge Technical Level 3 Health and Social Care
Exam Board: OCR
Website Link: health-and-social-care
Exam and Coursework Information: Exam Units – Unit 2, unit 3 and unit 4. Coursework Units – Unit 1, unit 13 and unit 24.
Contact Name: Dan Frater
Contact e-mail: dfrater01@jcsc.co.uk