1. Overall subject intent
In line with the National Curriculum the subject intent is to provide a variety of theory and practical teaching to all Key Stages ensuring that students are equipped to progress to the next level.
Educating students in all Key Stages about Food Technology in both principle and practice aswell as developing their knowledge and understanding of key concepts.
Developing confidence and self-esteem and independence in practical cooking.
Making connections to different cultures through teaching a varied range of tasks.
Promoting understanding of health and well being through understanding and calculating nutritional values and securing understanding of The Eatwell Guide.
2. Are there annual events that take place within the subject or do you do something different that makes your subject stand out?
Having trialled their key technical skills students at Key Stage 4 students cook three dishes in three hours. They then showcase their dishes through presentation.
Students at Key Stage 5 plan a two course meal and serve to staff. They showcase the skills learned on course and obtain feedback from staff through use of questionnaires etc.
3. Special in-school facilities (labs, library with librarian, instruments, design/tech equipment etc)
Three available designated food technology rooms equipped for practical and theory work.
4. Any careers and stakeholder involvement in curriculum planning and delivery e.g. visits from authors, to universities, from industry, community projects (identify the year group if applicable)
5. Extracurricular activities linked to the subject offered both at lunchtime and after school, this could also include regular residential trips/field work.
Revision for Year 11 and other students who are struggling or need extra support is available on Tuesday after school.
No current trips planned or external visitors.
6. Highlight any apps/ or resources that students will use
Seneca Learning.
AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition textbook.
CGP Food Preparation and Nutrition study guide.
CGP Revision Cards.
Food a Fact of Life.
BBC Bite Size.
Qualification Name: GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition
Exam Board:AQA
Website Link: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/food/gcse/food-preparation-and-nutrition-8585
Exam and Coursework Information: Three assessed components lead to GCSE grading. These are: NEA 1, NEA 2 and Final exam (written paper).
Contact Name: TBC
Contact e-mail: TBC
Qualification Name: BTEC first Award in Hospitality.
Exam Board: Pearson
Website Link: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-firsts/hospitality-2013-nqf.html
Exam and Coursework Information: 1 externally assessed unit and 3 internally assessed units selected from the BTEC specification.
Contact Name: TBC
Contact e-mail: TBC