Overall subject intent:
1. Many students will run their own business at some point in their lives. If not, they will certainly work for one and potentially lead it. Business Studies looks at problems faced by real businesses, big and small and requires them to come up with solutions.
They will learn to become confident speakers and listeners and will create inspiring, original and well-executed ideas. They will be ready to take on the business world and succeed.
2. Are there annual events that take place within the subject or do you do something different that makes your subject stand out?
Books available in the school library for reference.
3. Special in-school facilities (labs, library with librarian, instruments, design/tech equipment etc
Fully-equipped computer suites for students to complete coursework
4. Any careers and stakeholder involvement in curriculum planning and delivery e.g. visits from authors, to universities, from industry, community projects (identify the year group if applicable)
Visits and visiting speakers are being planned to help students to apply their knowledge to a business context.
5. Extracurricular activities linked to the subject offered both at lunchtime and after school, this could also include regular residential trips/field work.
Intervention sessions throughout the year to allow students to identify and develop areas for development.
6. Highlight any apps/ or resources that students will use
BBC Bitesize
Qualification Name: BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise (2022)
Exam Board: Pearson
Website Link: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-tech-awards/enterprise-2022.html
Exam and Coursework Information: Students will complete Component 1 and Component 2, which are internally assessed and then moderated by the exam board. Component 3 is an externally assessed exam, which is sat at the end of the qualification.
Contact Name: Mr C O’Neil
Contact e-mail: coneil01@jcsc.co.uk