Curriculum overview documentation is currently being updated and will be available in September.
At James Calvert Spence College we firmly believe that our curriculum reflects the needs of our students, irrespective of their starting point, are that they are entitled to a broad and ambitious curriculum.
We are proud to offer an innovative and knowledge-rich curriculum, which enables all of our students to fulfil their potential and develop the all-important skills and qualities, which will serve them well throughout their lives.
Our curriculum reflects our vision at James Calvert Spence College to enhance essential subject knowledge and skills, which are supported by a range of activities that broaden and develop students’ learning experience to meet the needs of the labour market and our community. Our curriculum is designed to give all students the opportunity to develop as individuals who feel valued and respected, so that they value those around
Art and Design
At James Calvert Spence College students in Years 5 to 11 follow a curriculum which is based on the National Curriculum.
At James Calvert Spence College we firmly believe that our curriculum reflects the needs of our students, irrespective of their starting point, are that they are entitled to a broad and ambitious curriculum. We are proud to offer an innovative and knowledge-rich curriculum, which enables all of our students to fulfil their potential and develop the all-important skills and qualities, which will serve them well throughout their lives.
Our curriculum reflects our vision at James Calvert Spence College to enhance essential subject knowledge and skills, which are supported by a range of activities that broaden and develop students’ learning experience to meet the needs of the labour market and our community. Our curriculum is designed to give all students the opportunity to develop as individuals who feel valued and respected, so that they value those around them.
Regular liaison with our feeder First Schools and thorough planning from the Subject Leaders and subject teachers ensures progression between schools, year groups and key stages. The school provides a stimulating environment where children are well supported and are motivated to think about their experiences which they are encouraged to articulate as fully as possible. Creativity is also an important element of each subject and is encouraged throughout the school. Pupils are actively involved in their own learning rather than being passive recipients of knowledge and they are constantly challenged to extend their use of language in a variety of situations.
The information is organised by subject and term to give a full overview of the learning year ahead.
Students in Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) study English, Mathematics, Science and PE and they also choose a range of ‘option subjects’ which they study to GCSE or equivalent level. When planning these subjects teachers also take account of examination requirements.
Students in Key stage 5
In Years 12 and 13 students choose to take a range of Level 2 (GCSE equivalent) or Level 3 qualifications including T-Level transition courses. Students who have not gained a pass grade in English and/or maths are also required to re-sit these subjects in Years 12 or 13. This is a government requirement.
During the academic year students regularly study personal, social, health and relationships education. This allows students to gain understanding and apply skills. During these days students learn about the world of work, how to manage money and how to stay safe. We also provide advice and guidance about future careers and further and higher education. Students are taught how to keep safe when using the internet, mobile phones or other devices in ICT lessons and during PSHRE days.
The school teaches students about British values in assembly and in some lessons. This covers concepts such as tolerance, respect, democracy and citizenship. We participate in Democracy Week and speakers from parish and local councils talk to our students.
You can find out more in our school RSE Education Policy.
We want our students to think about the world around them and to have their own opinions whilst also respecting the views of others. We do not expect students to hold or articulate extremist views of any kind and should this occur the school will deal with incidents in accordance with the guidance provided in our policies.
All students in Years 5 to 11, except those who have been formally withdrawn by their parents*, study religious education (RE) which is based on the Agreed Syllabus for Northumberland. The syllabus is based on broadly Christian principles and allows students to learn about other faiths. In Years 5 to 9 these lessons are known as RE and in Years 9 to 11 they are known as Philosophy and Ethics.
*If you want to withdraw your child/children from RE lessons or assembly you can write to the executive headteacher. Students in sixth form who are over the age of 18 can write to the executive headteacher on their own behalf.
If you would like to find out more about the curriculum we offer, please contact school on 01665 710636 and make an appointment to speak to Mr Gaines – email