We would like to invite parents and carers of Year 7 students to a Welcome to Key Stage 3 Year 7 Event. During the event, we will clarify the expectations of your Year 7 child and give you ideas on how to support them throughout Key Stage 3. The event will be held in school on Thursday 29th September and starts at 5 pm. The event should last one hour. You will get to meet your child’s subject tutors and learn a little more about the Key Stage 3 curriculum and homework expectations, as well as get some tips to help you support your child now they are studying towards KS3! There is no need to book but if there are any specific questions you would like answered as part of the presentation please contact Mrs Johnson jjohnson01@jcsc.co.uk.
Date: Thursday September 29th
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm