Please allow two working weeks for any external forms to be completed.
Due to the large volume of emails being received, please can we ask that any emails are sent to rather than staff specific emails. We aim to respond to these within 48 hours
Inclusion is very important at JCSC, all pupils are a valued members of our school community.
Mrs Jane Grey is our SENCO, she is supported by a skilled team of teaching and support staff to ensure the needs of our most vulnerable learners are met. You can contact our SEND team by emailing
There is a clear referral system to raise concerns regarding the progress of a child. Parents can refer through the referral form on the website or by contacting Mrs Johnson directly. Staff can complete a referral form to refer into the SEND department.
At JCSC, we have a graduated approach to meeting the needs of SEND pupils:
- Vulnerable learners list – list of pupils who are being monitored closely
- SEN Support – those pupils who have more complex needs and require support over and above that available in the classroom
- EHCP – Pupils with the most complex needs for whom school receives funding to meet their needs
The SEN Code of Practice states there are four categories of needs:
- Learning difficulties
- Communication needs
- Social, emotional and mental health needs
- Physical and sensory impairments
JCSC provides additional support to pupils experiencing any of these barriers to learning. If the in-school programmes are not enough, the SENCO will refer to an outside agency to access additional advice or support.
Contact SEND
Should you have any queries relating to SEND in school, please use the contact form below.
All pupils on the SEND register will receive a termly review. This may be chaired by the SENCO or may be an SEN teacher, HLTA, LSP or class teacher. The review will be chaired by the person who knows the pupil best.
At JCSC we recognise that change is difficult for all pupils but increasingly so for pupils with SEND. To support transition at all phases the SENCO meets with parents, visits feeder schools or post 16 destinations. Enhanced transition is available for pupils moving from first schools to JCSC, this involves spending three days with the SEND team participating in a range of exciting transition activities.
Local SEND Offer Page
Useful SEND Information Links
A wealth of useful information can be found in this SEND Information Links padlet, which is regularly updated with new resources.