Last Updated: 21/03/2024

Guide to information available from James Calvert
Spence College School under the model publication scheme
Attendance and Absence PolicyDownload
Anti-Bullying PolicyDownload
Behaviour Policy and Statement of Behaviour PrinciplesDownload
British Values StatementDownload
Charging and Remissions PolicyDownload
Child Protection and Safeguarding PolicyDownload
Complaints PolicyDownload
Equality Information and Objectives StatementDownload
Handwriting PolicyDownload
Homework PolicyDownload
GDPR Data Protection PolicyDownload
Freedom of Information Policy and Publication SchemeDownload
Freedom of Information PolicyDownload
Infection and Control PolicyDownload
Literacy Across the CurriculumDownload
Online Safety PolicyDownload
Peer on Peer AbuseDownload
Provider Access Policy StatementDownload
Pupil Code of ConductDownload
Remote Education ProvisionDownload
RSE and Health Education PolicyDownload
Sixth Form Admissions PolicyDownload
Special Educational Needs and Disability PolicyDownload
Supporting Pupils with Medical ConditionsDownload
Serial and Persistent Complainant PolicyDownload
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