Russell started JCSC (then Coquet High School) in September 2007 as Head of IT. Russell’s current role is Director of Vocational Studies, which encompasses ICT, Computing, Business Studies, Health and Social Care, PE, and Music and Performing Arts. He is also the BTEC Quality Nominee for all Level 2 and Level 3 BTEC qualifications offered in school and ensures all subjects comply with BTEC delivery and assessment objectives. Russell is also responsible for assessing and approving all external visits planned by staff to take students out of school to enhance their educational experiences. Russell has been a senior leader in schools for over 15 years. In a variety of roles, he has contributed and led on whole-school focuses, including enhancing the profile of gifted and talented students, monitoring the progress of students requiring additional support and building praise and reward systems for students. Russell studied Business Information and Technology at university and then went on to complete a teaching degree. He has retained his passion for his subject and has a particular interest in how IT and Computing can amplify and support learning. Russell also holds the National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL).