Last Updated: 24/11/2022
You will be aware that we had an Ofsted inspection in June. The report has now been finalised and published on the Ofsted website.
I am delighted to be able to share with you is that James Calvert Spence College is now rated as a ‘Good’ school!

• Quality of education
• Behaviour and attitudes
• Personal development
• Leadership and management
• Sixth form provision
• Overall effectiveness
This is an improvement on our previous judgement of ‘Requires Improvement’ and is the first time that JCSC (or Coquet High School) has ever been rated as ‘Good’ by Ofsted. We are absolutely delighted with this outcome which is a true reflection and just reward for the hard work and dedication of all members of our team, across several years.

You can find our latest Ofsted report and details of monitoring visits on the James Calvert Spence College page of Ofsted’s report website. Find an inspection report and registered childcare.
• “Pupils are proud to attend this safe and welcoming school. Staff are warm and friendly.”
• “Pupils know what staff expect of them. They are keen to do well.”
• “Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn well. Highly trained staff provide the right support for each pupil.”
• “Pupils who struggle with reading receive effective support right from the start. Pupils speak enthusiastically about how much their reading has improved.”
• “Pupils learn about how to stay safe and physically healthy. They learn strategies to support their mental health. Pupils learn to treat people respectfully whatever their background.”
• “Students in the sixth form are proud to be part of the school. Staff support them to choose courses that meet their interests and needs.”
• “Curriculum planning in the sixth form is extremely strong. Students speak with knowledge and enthusiasm about the subjects they study in Years 12 and 13.”
• “Students in the sixth form continue to learn about healthy relationships and mental health. They know how to look after themselves as they grow into young adults.”
• “Pupils with SEND access the same learning as their peers. Teachers know when and how to adapt their approach so that pupils’ learning needs are met.”
• “Provision for key stage 2 pupils has improved greatly. Leaders plan the curriculum so that pupils have the knowledge and skills they will need in key stage 3. Pupils are taught by subject specialists in every subject from Year 6 onwards.”
• “Leaders have invested heavily in staff training, especially in curriculum development. This work has been effective in improving the curriculum in most subject areas. Staff are enthused by the training and support they receive. Morale is high.”
As always, the report also gives some areas for us to focus on, and we have already started to address these. We are determined to continue our journey of improvement with the goal of becoming an ‘Outstanding’ school for our community. I am grateful for the continued support of students, staff, parents and the wider community that has been so important through some challenging times in recent years. I am delighted that all children in the Coquet partnership now attend good schools, and the reassurance that will give their parents around the quality of education at all stages.

Performance & Results