Congratulations go to all our Year 11 students collecting results today, we are very proud of you all. We wanted to share some of the photos taken of those who collected results today as you sat on the JCSC throne.
We know that many students and parents chatted to staff earlier today, but Mr Rodgers wanted to pass on these comments to you all:
“This summer, for the first time since 2019, students have been awarded GCSE grades based on their performance in exams – and the students at James Calvert Spence College have, once again, produced some outstanding results.
“This cohort of students have had their education seriously affected over the last three years by the pandemic; firstly by having significant periods of education delivered remotely, and then through the measures that schools had to put in place for a safe return to the classroom. Despite these huge challenges, our young people have shown enormous levels of resilience, good humour and dedication. They have developed into responsible and well-rounded members of our community of whom we are all so very proud.
“There were excellent results in the science subjects of biology, chemistry and physics which all had pass rates of over 96%.
“Performing Arts and ICT had pass rates above 85%, and there were many notable performances across the other, wide range of subjects we offer at key stage 4.
“There were many outstanding individual performances this year, and it is truly an amazing feeling for staff to see the delighted faces on our students as they open their envelopes and find out their results.
“We look forward to welcoming many of our Year 11 students into our sixth form next month, and wish the very best of luck to those pursuing other avenues, whether that is college, apprenticeships or employment.”